Construction laboratory deals with the field exploration of soils, quality control and concrete strength evaluation.
The main principle of Hi-Raise Constructions Holding is quality and a high rate of performance at all stages of construction. For that aim constant introducing of modern technologies and using the experience of the European colleagues are very important. That's why a specialized certified laboratory was opened at the engineering and manufacturing base to control the quality of manufactured concrete mixtures and used materials.
Independent certified laboratories should control any new construction object. With construction laboratory services of Hi-Raise Constructions Holding you can be confident in the quality of its products.
Construction Laboratory of Hi-Raise Constructions Holding offers the following services:
- Concrete quality control;
- Field identification procedure of soils (constant rate of penetration (CRP) test);
- Physical and strength testing of soils;
- Quality control of metal constructions welded joints by visual and ultrasonic methods;
- Reinforcement welded joints mechanical test.
The company's laboratory is certified by the State Enterprise "Odessa Regional Center of Standardization, Metrology and Certification" and meets all certification requirements. The laboratory is equipped with modern measuring and testing equipment that allows obtaining the most accurate results of research.
Now all careful producers of the south of Ukraine got an opportunity to check the quality of their products due to the laboratory services of Hi-Raise Constructions Holding.
For more information call +38 (048) 777-11-77.