The company performs general contractor's works, projecting, projects coordination and QAIQC, manufactures, sales and deliversconcrete mixes, providesconstruction and special equipment services, road construction, construction works and services. The main work principle of the company is quality assurance and fast pace of work at all construction stages. Permanent implementation of modern technologies and usage of experience gained by the European colleagues arerequired.
Projecting and construction company
Hi-Raise Constructions Holding is guided by the principle: "Build constructions of future with the equipment of future". Buildings and facilities that will serve people for many decades can be raised by using modern construction technologies only.
The company constantly fills up its equipment fleet that consists of more than 120 units. Hi-Raise Constructions Holding machinery fleet illustrates the potential and readiness to work, provides for fast commissioning of projects and guarantees high quality of ready projects.
Specialists with many years of work experience in projecting and construction work at all stages and all directions of the company's activity.
News item about projecting process of Hi-Raise Constructions Holding can be found following the link.