Drilling machinery and drilling rigs
Drilling machinery and drilling rigs
Modern drilling machinery of Hi-Raise Constructions Holding is represented with BAUER BG 28 drilling machine allowing performing drilling activities of different complexity.
Drilling rig is a complex of drilling equipment for well drilling. Structure of drilling rig and its parts are determined with the wells function, conditions and way of drilling.
Drilling rigs are used for mines, surface workings, etc. Modern technologies and materials are used for well drilling and casing. To drill the wells the self-propelled and mobile drilling rigs are used.
A makeshift drilling rig, represented by the company, is suitable for use in any soil: for sandy, peaty and loose soils. Such mobile drilling rigs possess many advantages. Drilling machines of this kind are very easy to maintain.
Hi-Raise Constructions Holding also offers rental services for the BAUER BG 28 drilling rig. For more information, please contact the sales department at +38 (048) 777-11-77.