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Swine battening complex, Zhovtneve village, Odessa region

Комплекс по відгодівлі свиней

Object: Swine battening complex with a capacity of 24,000 heads of livestock

Location: Zhovtneve Village, Odessa region

Works Description: construction of 12 hog houses (1,000-2,000 sq.m in area), sanitary inspection center of veterinary station, concrete reservoir with a capacity of 4,000 CBM, disinfecting facility with entrance checkpoint, slaughter-sanitary unit, elevator for grain storage, feed plant, waste-disposal plants and other auxiliary structures.

Period of works: 18 months. Commissioning - 2011

Project Owner:  Agroprime Holding LLC

For information:  The complex includes facilities for weaning piglets, nursing sows keeping, compound feed warehouse, absorption fields, auxiliary structures and modern laboratory.
To optimize theconstruction process, the company specially arranged a mobile concrete plant as the object is located far away from the centralized services.