Object: granary per 100,000 tons of grains
Location: Artsyz, Odessa region
Works Description: construction of administrative and amenity building, shipment point to the rail, waste-disposal plants, head house with control room, laboratory, diesel fuel storage, auxiliary structures
The complex includes 19 silos of different capacity.Silos CMBУ 220 with a capacity of 49,956 tons - 6 pcs.
Silos CMBУ 183 with a capacity of 42,525 tons - 7 pcs.
Silos CMBУ 165 with a capacity of 19,090 tons - 5 pcs.
Silos CMBУ 73 with a capacity of 2,000 tons - 4 pcs.
Silos CMBУ 37 - 3 pcs.
Headhouse with control room
Elevator towers - 4 pcs.
Truck tipper for 2 vehicles
Laboratory and weighing station
Fire pumping station
Diesel fuel storage
Administrative and amenity building
Kinds of works: Principle contractor (without subcontracting): earthworks, foundations, in-situ reinforced concrete constructions, steel structures producing and mounting, silos mounting, production equipment mounting and binding (band elevators, conveyors, valves, flows), suction, sanitary and engineering and electrical fitting works, automatic equipment and low power networks, external networks. Commissioning works. Land improvementsю
Period of works: 12 months. Commissioning - 2008.
Project Owner: Agroprime Holding LLC